
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


As usual Jonny is mighty busy at work.

This week is the parsha of Eikev. Last week was Va'etchanan.

As a good Jew Jonny watched part of the movie Exodus. He is also reading the book that goes with said movie. Last night Jonny dropped Alberta off at the JCC so she could attend an annual Ann Arbor event including Israeli scouts.

Jonny finished a book. More like it was a book on tape. More like it was a book on CD. The book was unlike any other John Grisham books. It wasn't about lawyers and it wasn't set in Tennessee or New Orleans or some place south. The book was called Playing for Pizza. As usual it is time to look up the AMAZON results for the said book.

In other movie news Jonny watched the movie The Conflict. It was not a Jewish movie.

Jonny painted the side of the house. This was because the fish burned. The burnt fish put soot from the grill on the siding. The fish got burnt because Angelina was depressed about not getting any classes to teach in the Fall. So they burnt the fish by mistake, they got distracted.

Over the weekend Alberta went to a two day sleepover. She called it a Shabbaton. Right before he took her they almost lost power. There have been a lot of storms this month.

Well back to work even though it is late.

Other movies Jonny seen recently are:
  • The Proposal
  • A Walk In The Clouds

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Monday, July 19, 2010


Jonny hasn't written in a while so he needs to catch the audience back up.

Today he continued the old diary entry. Click here to see about July 8, 1994. He was angry with Angelina and over worked with chores. It is an exciting time to write about since it is the same time of year. And finally one theme continues on to this day -- painting.

Jonny has a limited Jewish identity now and in the past. Now he has a daughter who is 14. They were pretty close to trying to conceive her when the diary was being written. Alberta will turn 15 this winter and was born in the December of 1995.

Jonny had a pretty unmemorable birthday experience this weekend turning 42. He is just happy enough for his birthday present received in January. The lasik eye surgery was a gift enough for the whole year.

Jesse still felt it best to give his father a present. Jesse picked out a book at the library and waited until Jonny's birthday to present him with Jericho's Road by Elmer Kelton, yes a Western. Jonny reads all genres.

He finished watching the movie The Proposal. He also watched some Scrubs over the weekend.

And finally Wendell bought the plane tickets. Kristina helped with the purchase. Jonny and Jesse will be going to the beach August 5 to August 8. Yipee for them.

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Thursday, July 08, 2010


North of Nowhere, 322 pages. That was an awesome book says Jonny. This was the 4th book in the Alex McKnight series by Steve Hamilton. Jonny has started Exodus by Leon Uris. This is truly a Jewish book. Jonny is listening to the Chumash. This week there is a double portion of Mattos and Masei.

Yesterday Jonny, Rob and another guy had a nasty meeting with Penny.

Jonny is still waiting for Jesse's and his trip to see his parents to be finalized. Kristina and Wendell are on vacation. So they can't purchase the tickets now.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010


Jonny watch a couple of Srubs episodes with Alberta late last night. Today he listened to the parsha Pinchas. This is the famous parsha where the Jew named Pinchas decides to take a spear and kill a sinner. He kills two people while they are in the middle of having sex or as the narrator calls it in Hebrew "snoose".

Jonny is waiting to hear from Wendell and Kristina about the beach trip. They are supposed to buy the plane tickets for Jesse and Jonny. They are supposed to fly
Thursday August 5 2:15-3:40 PM DTW-BWI
Sunday August 8 6:10-7:45 PM BWI-DTW

Jonny is still in between books right now. He has to go to school and work on his grades tonight after dinner. Tonight after dinner Angelina is taking Lorraine to her softball game.


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